You can not use G-Cloud 14 to buy the following services:
Co-location services
For Data centre colocation facilities you will need to use RM6262 Crown Hosting II.
Non-cloud related services
To access management consultancy services including business, strategy and policy and finance consultancy you will need to use RM6187 Management Consultancy Framework 3.
For non-cloud technology services ranging from strategy and design to operational deployment use RM6100 Technology Services.
Bespoke design and development
For suppliers who can design, build and provide clearly defined bespoke digital projects, applications and services use RM1043.8 Digital Outcomes 6.
Hardware services
For non-cloud technology products such as hardware, software and all associated services use RM6068 Technology Products and Associated Services.
For software-led office systems including software licences, associated hardware, app-related consultancy services, software support and maintenance use RM6194 Back Office Software.
You can only access support relating to the cloud using G-Cloud 13. You can not access staff or interims.
Further competition
To further compete larger and more complex cloud support requirements, use G-Cloud 14 lot 4.