Unlock the power of collective buying with CCS

With budgets and resources more squeezed than ever, public procurement is no easy task. That’s why we’re committed to helping public sector organisations save significantly through the power of collective buying. Our complimentary aggregation service combines the similar needs of customers from across the public sector, increasing our national buying power to achieve savings that would not be possible through individual buying.

Our team of experts will take care of the aggregated buying process for you, so that you can focus on other business priorities, or more complex procurements. We’ll make sure we get you the best possible deal, helping you achieve social and economic value.

Get involved

Our aggregations are available to all public sector buyers.

To take part in an aggregation you should:

  1. take a look at the current aggregation opportunities

Find further details for each aggregation by clicking on the event name. The date shown above each event is the closing date for taking part.

  1. express your interest

To join an aggregation you will need to complete our online form. You should use the form to tell us:

  • what you need (a description of the product or service)
  • volumes
  • timescales

Can’t see an aggregation that meets your needs? Reach out and let us know.

We can consider any opportunity for aggregation, provided there is enough interest. We are currently exploring:

  • fibre roll out for schools
  • software asset management (SAM) services
  • Adobe software
  • IT hardware leasing
  • IT hardware longer term contract
  • funds disbursement
  • radio and CCTV
  • HSCN

We can also look into sector specific competitions. Fill in our online form stating your area(s) of interest in the comments box and we will get in touch to discuss your needs.

Aggregations work best with common goods or services that will attract more than one customer and supplier. They are not suitable for

  • complex needs
  • services or needs unique to a single buyer
  • buyers with a specific or short deadline (it can take some time to get enough customers together to achieve the best savings)

We advertise open aggregation opportunities about 8 weeks before the tender is published.

Once the tender is published, it takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the procurement process to be awarded. After this, with support from the aggregation team, your orders can be submitted to the winning supplier. These timelines may vary depending on the size and complexity of the procurement.

For more specific timelines, take a look at our current aggregation opportunities.

Regular aggregations

You can explore our regular aggregations below.

Microsoft licensing

About the event

To support the CCS negotiated DTA21 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), we run a programme of aggregated competitions to help you secure a value for money Microsoft Licence Solutions Partner. (LSP).

What can be bought

The programme of procurements covers all enrolment dates and covers all Microsoft licensed products.  

Who can join

Each procurement is available to all public and third sector organisations who buy their licenses through an LSP (reseller).

Please note that all participating customers will receive the maximum discounts available to them from Microsoft through this competition. This is normally the discounts within DTA21 negotiated by CCS, however some customers may receive greater discounts (for example, health customers may be eligible for the N365 discounts).

Why get involved?

The benefits of joining this opportunity are:

  • clear account management from the winning supplier including assistance in new products and true up/downs, suggestions to optimise your estate and ongoing contract management
  • specialist support from our in-house software team
  • no commitment to enter a contract
  • a legally compliant route to market to appoint an LSP (reseller)
  • price savings in a competitive market
  • process savings from not having to run the competition yourself

In our most recent aggregations, we helped customers from the various sectors save on average 3.5%.


An outline of timelines is available within our Microsoft video. Please see our events page for precise dates for the next couple of competitions.

How to join the opportunity

Please see our Microsoft video for further information. To register your interest, please complete our online form, quoting ‘Microsoft aggregation’ and one of our team will be in touch.

IT hardware

About the event

We run regular aggregations for IT hardware and associated services through lot 2 of Technology Products and Services (RM6068). These run roughly every 3 months throughout the year.

What can be bought

Lot 2 covers hardware requirements, including but not limited to end user devices, infrastructure hardware, consumables and peripheral equipment. 

It also covers services such as end user support, service desk, integration, system installation, project management, training, leasing (hire of goods), security management, hardware asset management (HAM), network infrastructure management services, device as a service (DaaS).

Who can join

Each procurement is available to all public and third sector organisations, whether large or small.

Why get involved?

The benefits of joining this opportunity are:

  • potential savings
  • no commitment to enter a contract
  • a legally compliant route to market
  • process savings from not having to run the competition yourself


Please see our events page for precise dates for the next couple of competitions.

How to join the opportunity

To register your interest, please complete our online form, quoting ‘IT hardware’ and one of our team will be in touch.

Mobile voice and data services

About the event

For many public sector organisations, the routine purchase of mobile voice and data services can lead to varying contract end dates. This makes it difficult to switch suppliers to gain better value, as savings may be reduced due to early termination charges.

To support you with this challenge, we run regular national further competitions for mobile voice and data services under lot 2 of our Mobile Voice and Data Services (RM6261) agreement. This will help you achieve savings which will not be reduced by early termination of existing contracts.

What can be bought

Mobile voice and data services

Who can join

This opportunity is available to all public and third sector organisations.

To decide if this particular aggregation is right for you, please consider the following:

  • this aggregation is not suitable if you have an urgent need
  • are you confident that your requirement will be fulfilled through this competition? 
  • are you able to accept the network coverage provided by the suppliers listed under lot 2 of the agreement?
  • are you in a position to migrate at least 80% of your nominated connections to the winning bidder within 12 months of award of the aggregated procurement?

Please get in touch with the team if you want to learn more about the scope of this aggregation

Why get involved?

Benefits of join this aggregation include:

  • phased migration across a 12 month period: the requirement is for 80% of nominated connections to transition to the winning bidder within the first year of the contract award, giving flexibility when existing contracts are yet to terminate and helping to avoid early termination charges
  • co-terminus contract term: all connections will cease on a common end date helping to prevent inconsistent contract end dates to simplify future procurement
  • ‘build your own’ tariff approach: the aggregated procurement allows for a base connection with no line rental charge, negating zero-use costs


Please see our events page for precise dates for the next couple of competitions.

How to join the opportunity

To register your interest, please complete our online form, quoting ‘Mobile aggregation’ and one of our team will be in touch.

Joining the CCS aggregation for mobile voice and data has provided a 51% saving against the previous contract which under the current economic climate is essential. The aggregation attracted 16 buyers which increased the buying power, encouraging the suppliers to pass on savings because of the volume of the collective connections and data volume requirements.
Alicia Wydell
Senior Procurement Specialist, Kirklees Council

Latest blogs and case studies

Browse all aggregation blogs and case studies

Power to your procurement

Now more than ever, procurement has a vital role to play in supporting and strengthening our public sector.

But, with the demands of making your budgets and resources go further, that’s no easy task. So why not take some of the pressure off by choosing to buy with CCS?

Watch our short film to find out how we can bring power to your procurement.


Explore our on-demand webinars and digital brochure to learn more about CCS aggregations.

Webinars (1 )

  1. Microsoft Licensing Aggregation

    Access webinar

Downloadable Resources (1 )

  1. image of two women looking down at a laptop smiling.

    Commercial agreements: digital brochure

    Download our updated digital brochure for the latest information on our agreements and how we can help you add power to your procurement.

    Download our digital brochure

Is there something we can help you with?

To learn more about how we can support your aggregation related procurement needs, please get in touch.

Your details

Please let us know which current or potential aggregation(s) you are interested in joining

Do you need a callback? (optional)

For information about how we use your data, you can read our privacy notice. When you submit this form we will add you to our mailing list and send you our newsletters, or information about our products and services.

You will receive an email when you submit your details. You can unsubscribe using the link in the email.

Talk to us

You can also contact us by email or phone

Email: info@crowncommercial.gov.uk
Telephone: 0345 410 2222

CCS customer services team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.