Management Consultancy Framework Four (MCF4)


Provides you with a variety of cost effective consultancy advice from a range of suppliers. Available to all central government and the wider public sector.


19/09/23: We will be incorporating the RM6269 Restructuring and Insolvency agreement as a standalone lot within the upcoming RM6309 Management Consultancy Four framework as the decision has been made not to renew the agreement.

18/08/2023: This agreement replaces RM6187 Management Consultancy Framework 3 (MFC3) agreement. 

10/07/24: Call for evaluators for our new management consultancy agreement

Support the development of our new management consultancy agreement:

We are looking for a group of volunteers to help evaluate our new Management Consultancy Framework (MCF4) agreement that will replace MCF3. Evaluators must be public sector employees.

Evaluators are an important part of the procurement process and, in addition to playing an important role within CCS, becoming an evaluator counts towards your corporate contribution, and is encouraged in departments across the Civil Service.

Evaluation of this procurement will consist of an independent review followed by consensus meetings.

The procurement timescales are currently:

  • publication of find a tender notice (FTS): late August 2024
  • evaluation period: early December 2024 to end of January 2025
  • consensus: February 2025
  • award: April 2025

Evaluators will need to have commercial experience, sector experience and/or knowledge of the management consultancy category. 

If you are interested in acting as an evaluator or would like any further information, please email Bethan Riviere.


Access advice for a range of specialisms including business, strategy, policy, infrastructure, procurement and health and social care.

The specific lot structure and specialisms are yet to be determined and will be decided following customer and supplier engagement, details are listed below. 


  • wide range of suppliers from SMEs to large multinationals
  • all suppliers are Cyber Essentials accredited
  • standard terms and conditions
  • comprehensive customer guidance and templates
  • choice of pricing models including time and materials, fixed, or risk and reward
  • dedicated and knowledgeable contract management team to support you

Customer engagement

Our first round of customer engagement events were held in September and October 2023. You can now read the slides from the event.

You can read the slides from our second round of customer engagement held in February 2024.

CCS are seeking volunteers to assist in the evaluation of the procurement of MCF4; all training will be provided.

If you are a public sector organisation and are interested in this opportunity please email: with ‘RM6309 Evaluator’ in the subject line.

Supplier engagement

As part of our series of MCF4 market engagement events, CCS together with the Cabinet Office Policy Team held a virtual event to provide information to prospective bidders that helped to demystify core government policies:

Carbon Reduction plans

Managing Economic & Financial Standing (EFS)

Prompt Payment process

You can now read the slides and questions and answers from the supplier engagement events held in September and October 2023.

You can also read the slides from our second round of supplier engagement held in February 2024 as well as the questions and answers from the session.

Important links

Prior Information Notice (PIN) Read PIN
Contract Notice in Find a Tender (FTS) Not available yet 
Tender documents Read draft specification


Activity Estimated dates
Pre-market engagement September 2023 to February 2024
Drafting of procurement documentation March to July 2024
Publication of find a tender (FTS) notice August 2024
Framework Award TBC