Media & Creative


This agreement will provide market-leading services for full marketing campaigns and communications. It will be available to all public sector organisations including government departments and their agencies.


This framework will provide marketing and communication services for all public sector organisations including government departments and their agencies. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Media strategy, planning and buying
  • Creative strategy and ideation
  • Content production and fulfilment
  • Marketing events
  • Strategic advice, media auditing and assurance services that support the running of marketing and communications campaigns

The specific lot structure has yet to be determined and will be decided following market engagement.

This agreement replaces RM6123 Media Services expiring in December 2025 and RM6125 Campaign Solutions 2 expiring in September 2025.


  • readily available pathways to get contracts with industry standard accredited agencies – reducing the time is takes for you to appoint agencies
  • a robust procurement process testing their capability – so you can focus on other valuable activity
  • comprehensive customer guidance including procurement templates and contracts
  • ability to buy though direct award or run mini competitions (varying by lot)

Client and Agency Engagement

Thank you to all of you who have provided feedback on the current framework agreements to date. The surveys are now closed and the feedback you have given will be invaluable in shaping the future solutions we put in place for you. Please continue to register your interest to provide any feedback and to be informed throughout the market engagement and procurement process.  Please include below details:

  • Organisation name
  • contact name
  • job title 
  • contact phone number
  • contact email
  • service types offered (agencies only – see descriptions above)
  • website link (agencies only)

We will continue to provide updates for upcoming engagement sessions here on our webpage. 

Useful Information

We held our kick-off stakeholder engagement webinars in March 2024. Here are links to our client presentation slides and our agency presentation slides.

Important links

Prior Information Notice (PIN) Read PIN
Contract Notice in Find a Tender (FTS) Not available yet
Tender documents Not available yet


Activity Estimated dates
Pre-market engagement March 2024 to August 2024
Drafting of procurement documentation September 2024 to January 2025
Publication of find a tender (FTS) notice January 2025
Framework award June 2025 (service start dates TBC for different lots)