Income Generation from Estates & Assets


Access solutions to generate income from your estates and assets. Includes commercial out of home advertising, experiential advertising and car parking management services. Available to all public sector organisations including government departments and their agencies.


Access income generation solutions for commercial advertising, experiential advertising  and car parks. Services will include:

Lot 1: Internal Commercial Advertising

Access out of home advertising services targeting audiences within a buyer’s estate. This includes:

  • static and digital advertising assets (such as billboards)

Lot 2: External Commercial Advertising

Access out of home advertising services on a buyer’s estate, targeting external audiences . This includes:

  • static and digital advertising assets (such as billboards)

Lot 3: Commercial experiential advertising 

Access commercial experiential advertising services including:

  • product sampling, product promotions, brand experience and events within your estate

Lot 4: Commercial advertising: combined lots 1, 2 and 3

Access a mixture of services from lots 1, 2 and 3.

Lot 5: End to end car parking management

Access end to end car parking management where suppliers will provide services including the management of:
  • parking spaces
  • customer service
  • payments
  • car parking assets, equipment and associated commercial income activities on your estates

The scope of this agreement may change before publication of the tender. 

We are also developing a dynamic purchasing solution (DPS) for broader income generation solutions where suppliers can join at any time. View RM6350 Income Generation from Estates, Assets & IP DPS.

These 2 agreements will work together to provide a full range of income generation solutions.


  • reduced procurement lead times: frees up capacity and capability to focus on other value-add commercial activity
  • improved efficiency: provides collaborative, cross government solutions which remove duplication of cost and effort to run a full procurement process
  • easy access: run mini competitions with market leading suppliers

Customer engagement

We have established a customer working group to:

  • understand the full range of services needed
  • develop the strategy of the agreement
  • build specifications and define the buying process

If you would like to take part in this engagement, email the team. You will need to include ‘revenue generation solutions (RM6349 / RM6350) customer’ in the subject field of your email. 

Supplier engagement

We have undertaken extensive market engagement activities and are seeking interest from organisations who can provide the agreement services.

Read the market engagement presentation from the July and August events

Read the questions and answers from the events .

We are working collaboratively with major public transport providers and customers across the public sector, including local authorities, universities and the NHS.

Important links

Prior Information Notice (PIN) Read PIN
Contract notice Read Contract Notice
Tender documents Download documents


Activity Estimated dates
Pre-market engagement July 2023 to December 2023
Drafting of procurement documents December 2023 to March 2024
Publication of Find a Tender Service (FTS) July 2024
Framework award October 2024