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News and blogs 24th April 2024

Our new simplified and sustainable vehicle telematics agreement goes live

We’re pleased to announce the next iteration of our agreement for vehicle telematics, helping customers make their fleet operations more efficient and optimise their driver management, is now live.

Cars and commercial vans

News and blogs 19th April 2024

CCS appoints a new Chief Executive Officer

Following an external competition that launched in January, Sam Ulyatt has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of the Crown Commercial Service when Simon Tse retires in the summer.

News and blogs 19th April 2024

Crown Commercial Service marks 10 years of helping the UK public sector achieve value from its procurement

This month marks a big milestone in CCS’s calendar: we are celebrating our 10-year anniversary, following a decade of success and delivering value for our customers.

News and blogs 9th April 2024

How to prepare for the Procurement Act 2023 – Procurement Essentials

Procurement Essentials is a series of articles to help you overcome common hurdles, understand key concepts, and make your life as a buyer of everyday goods and services easier.

Learn how to harness the power of national procurement to meet local objectives in our latest Procurement Essentials article.

News and blogs 9th April 2024

Changes to our agreements in March

A brief summary of the CCS agreements that expired, extended, or were awarded in March 2024

Hands Holding Downloading Mobile Phone with Coffee Cup and Newspaper