Print Management Services

Fully managed end to end print products and services, covering services such as bulk printing, direct mail and secure print.


12/12/2024: HH Associates (HH) have been awarded Lot 1 of the RM6297 Print and Digital Communications agreement, which will replace RM6170 Print Management Services on 28th December 2024. If you would like to discuss the transition of your Command & House Paper needs, please contact HH.

19/02/2021: Allied Publicity Services Ltd (APS) will continue to provide the Command and House Paper (C&HP) service until 31 July 2021. If you have a C&HP need before that date, contact APS.

From 1 August 2021 this service will be provided by HH Associates (HH) under lot 1 of the RM6170 Print Management services agreement. If you would like to discuss the transition of your C&HP needs, contact HH.



A UK wide agreement available to all public sector organisations. This agreement is for customers who need the support and expertise of a print manager. 

It will be made up of two lots:

  • lot 1 – single supplier and you can buy from this lot by direct award only 
  • lot 2 – multiple suppliers and is available through further competition only

If you need access to a simple way to buy print and do not need the support of a print management supplier, you should use our RM6071 Print Marketplace framework.

Services available under this agreement include:

  • command and house paper services (available through lot 1 only)
  • bulk printing
  • full range of print products (envelopes, labels, folders)
  • operational print (including brochures, leaflets, business cards, business stationary)
  • finishing services (binding, stamping, embossing or laminating)
  • direct mail and transactional print services
  • a range of alternative formats (such as easy read, large print, alternative languages, audio and braille)
  • secure print services and secure print items
  • print stock management and distribution
  • pre-production services (content creation, digital asset management, typesetting, proofreading and translation services)
  • digital solutions and transformation services including data and content across multiple platforms and devices, including email, SMS, and website
  • election print and election mailing services

You can also access associated print services along with your print needs. These services are not designed to be used separately and can only be accessed as part of an overall print management service. These services are:

  • scanning and microfiche services
  • secure shredding of confidential waste
  • media duplication services

This agreement will run for 4 years. Customer call-off contracts should be for up to 4 years and can begin any time before the end of the agreement. The duration of call-off contracts can be made up of either a full 4 years or for an initial period with options to extend. For example 2+1+1 years.

Command and House Paper Services

This service is set up for government organisations who need to lay documents before parliament. This service can only be accessed through lot 1 of this agreement.
The lot 1 supplier can fully manage your Command and House Paper Service needs and will provide you with an end-to-end service. This will include all pre-production services (such as artworking, design and editorial services) and printing services as well as delivery into parliament.

All papers laid before parliament (including e-laying) need immediate paper copies to be available. We recommend contacting the Command and House team early so that your organisation can be set up on their system, in readiness for any papers that need to be laid from 1 August 2021.
Contact the Command and House team.


  • a single place for all your printing needs
  • suppliers will manage the operational delivery of your print needs (including supply chain sourcing and management)
  • we can provide for complex print needs in a secure environment
  • suppliers will use their expertise and guidance to help you achieve savings
  • suppliers will help customers move away from traditional print solutions and offer support with digital solutions where needed
  • ability to define your specific needs during the call off process (such as working with local supply chains)
  • quality assurance

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 7 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Print Management Services, Including Strategic and Transformational Services Expired: 27/12/2024
Available through direct award only.
Lot 2: Print Management Services Lot expires before framework:
Available through further competition only.

6 suppliers

How to buy

You can buy from this agreement by:

  • direct award (lot 1 only)
  • further competition (lot 2 only)

Direct award

  • you will need to create a statement of requirements – in this statement you will need to clearly outline what it is you need
  • allow the supplier time to respond with a proposal that shows how they will meet your needs
  • review supplier proposals to make sure that all your complex needs are met (the review process can be as in depth as you like and will depend on individual needs and procedures)

Further competition

Step 1

  • create a detailed statement of requirements – in this statement you will need to include a draft of the order form (such as completed call off schedules) to outline what it is you need
  • include the evaluation criteria and weighting (social value should be included as part of the quality evaluation and should be proportionate to your needs)
  • consider pre-engagement with suppliers to understand what solutions and approaches are available
  • make sure you allow all suppliers the same opportunity to take part in any pre-engagement activities

Step 2

  • issue an invitation to tender to all the lot 2 framework suppliers
  • allow enough time for suppliers to respond with a proposal
    • a recommended timeframe is 4 to 6 weeks but this will depend on the complexity of your needs
    • for example, the more complex your needs, the more time a supplier will need to provide a compelling bid
  • allow enough time for suppliers to ask you questions about your tender

Further information on the buying process is available in the customer guidance document. Alternatively you can reach out to the print team directly with any queries you may have by emailing


You can ask for copies of the agreement pricing schedules by contacting our customer service centre. In your email you should include the lot number you are interested in and a short description of the services you need.

The prices shown in the pricing schedules are the highest prices that suppliers can charge you. If you choose to run a further competition, suppliers may offer prices that are lower than the agreement rates.