Offsite Construction Solutions

All public sector organisations can access the design, fabrication, physical delivery, construction or installation and maintenance of prefabricated buildings. Includes direct access to manufacturers for a complete range of offsite construction solutions.


Provides a simple, low-cost way to achieve your offsite solution needs. You can buy or hire offsite solutions that are designed and manufactured to your particular specification.

This agreement offers an alternative to a traditionally built environment. It provides a complete ‘turn key’ package solution, which means you can use this agreement to access everything you need for your offsite construction solution. 

The framework offers both ‘3D volumetric modular’ which refers to entire units or rooms being built to a ‘finish’ in offsite factories and craned into place on site and also ‘2D panelised’ which refers to individual walls and floors being built at offsite facilities and then erected on site. 

Suppliers can manufacture solutions off site and then transport them to site for installation, reducing disruption and lead time.

The services are provided both nationally or locally for both permanent and temporary buildings.

This agreement has 6 lots and  a number of sub-lots. All of the lots and sub-lots are listed in the products and suppliers section below.

If you are buying from lot 1 or its sub lots, you can ask for the DFE approved designs/drawings for classrooms, as stated in the specification for lot 1, by sending an email to

There is no maximum contract length. 

This agreement will run for 4 years, until 1 April 2027. There is an option to extend by 3 years, or until 1 April 2030.


  • uses technology and modern methods of construction (MMC) to promote innovation and efficiency
  • supports sustainable industry, prompt payment, social value and carbon net zero initiatives
  • applies the principles of the construction playbook
  • offers a complete ‘turn key’ package solution, which means you can use this agreement to access everything you need for your offsite construction solution 
  • we approve successful suppliers using a thorough selection process
  • customers can choose from a variety of different contracts, these are:
    • New Engineering Contract (NEC)
    • Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT)
    • Project Partnering Contract (PC2000)
    • Term Alliance Contract (TAC-1)
  • provides value for money
  • standard prices: this means that the maximum prices for this agreement are fixed for the first two years of the framework agreement contract
    • you may be able to ensure further price reductions by running a further competition or through early contractor involvement and effective risk management in direct award
  • lot structure opens up opportunities to SMEs to bid for public sector contracts
  • supports the use of whole life cost approaches in public sector spending (takes into account the total cost of a product or service over its lifetime)

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 25 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1.1: Built Estate Inc Education (0 > £15m Purchase and Hire of 3D Turnkey Solutions)
Access turnkey solutions to build prefabricated education and wider built estates including:
  • office spaces
  • welfare offices or units
  • storage facilities
  • laboratories
  • urgent rapid response accommodation
A turnkey solution means you can access everything you need for your offsite construction project. You can access services either directly from the manufacturer or through the suppliers offsite supply chain. Buy solutions for projects costing between £0 and £15 million. You can also hire 3D solutions.


13 suppliers

Lot 1.2: Built Estate including Education (£15m > 3D Turnkey Solutions Purchase Only)
Buy 3D solutions for projects costing over £15 million


8 suppliers

Lot 1.3: Built Estate including Education (£0m > 2D Turnkey Solutions Purchase Only)
Buy 2D solutions for your project. 


6 suppliers

Lot 2.1: Healthcare (£0m > Purchase and £0m> Hire3D Turnkey Solutions Only)
Access turnkey solutions to build healthcare buildings including:
  • general wards
  • patient bays
  • assessment units
  • staff rooms
  • emergency care facilities
  • pharmacy units
  • CT, MRI, ultrasound facilities and operating theatres
Suppliers can also include electronic devices such as nurse call systems and CCTV systems if needed. A turnkey solution means you can access everything you need for your offsite construction project. You can access services either directly from the manufacturer or through the suppliers offsite supply chain. Buy and hire 3D solutions for projects.


13 suppliers

Lot 2.2: Healthcare (£0m > 2D Turnkey Solutions Purchase Only)
Buy 2D solutions for projects.


9 suppliers

Lot 3: Residential (Residential Properties)
​​Provides access to prefabricated housing and low-medium rise residential buildings (a building with 5 to 10 floors). A prefabricated building is mostly built in advance off site then delivered and assembled on site. You can access both category 1 (3d primary structural systems) and category 2 (2d primary structural systems) solutions directly from the manufacturer or through the suppliers off site supply chain.


6 suppliers

Lot 4.1: Justice (3D Turnkey Solutions)
Access turnkey solutions to build all types of justice buildings including:
  • new prison accommodation
  • upgrades to existing prison accommodation
  • new facilities for training rooms
  • staff rooms
  • facilities for wider visiting spaces
  • courtroom space
  • detention rooms
  • jury facilities
A turnkey solution means you can access everything you need for your offsite construction project. You can access services either directly from the manufacturer or through the suppliers offsite supply chain. Buy 3D solutions for projects.


9 suppliers

Lot 4.2: Justice (2D Turnkey Solutions)
Buy 2D solutions for projects.


4 suppliers

Lot 5.1: Defence (3D Turnkey Solutions)
Access turnkey solutions to build all types of defence buildings. You can also access suppliers with the capability and experience to provide defence related projects overseas in pre-defined territories. A turnkey solution means you can access everything you need for your offsite construction project. You can access services either directly from the manufacturer or through the suppliers offsite supply chain. Buy 3D solutions for projects.


9 suppliers

Lot 5.2: Defence (2D Turnkey Solutions)
Buy 2D solutions for projects.


4 suppliers

Lot 6: Thermal Efficiency Upgrades
This lot focuses on improving the thermal efficiency within existing buildings. Suppliers can provide thermally efficient upgrades to the exteriors of bespoke designs and buildings that are fabricated off site before onsite installation.


1 suppliers

How to buy

You can buy services through further competition and direct award. If you choose to buy through further competition the length of the competition will depend on:

  • your project requirements
  • the size, scale and complexity of your project

Before buying from this agreement, you should decide which lot or lots is most suitable for your needs. If you are unsure, you can contact us by email for help.

When you have decided on the lot you want to buy from, you will need to:

  1. register as an additional client user agreement (ACUA) by completing the ACUA registration document
  2. return your registration document to us by email

When we have received your ACUA form, we will provide you with a unique reference number. You must reference your ACUA number on all communications with supplier alliance members.

There is no joining fee and no commitment, even after registering.

Choosing your contract

All the commonly used procurement routes, tendering methods, payment arrangements and standard forms of contract are available.

Boiler-plate clauses are included for things such as GDPR and intellectual property rights. You have the freedom to include additional contract changes at the further competition stage.

The contract types available include:

  • NEC 3 or 4: provides a wide range of project management contracts and ensures users complete projects on time, on budget and to the required standards
  • joint contracts tribunal (JCT) provides a suite of standard contract forms which set out the responsibilities of all parties within the construction process such as who will complete the work, when they will complete it by and for how much 
  • PPC2000: offers a single contractual hub, allowing all team members to ‘contract as a team’ on identical terms
  • term alliance contract (Tac-1): provides any type or size of works, services or supplies
  • Scottish building contract committee (SBCC): where the work involved is simple and designed by or on behalf of the employer and uses the JCT forms wherever possible

You should check your own internal policies and processes to make sure they follow your standard operating procedures.