Provision of Clinical and Healthcare Staffing

Temporary recruitment of clinical and healthcare staff for all job roles and bands across the UK, approved by NHS England and NHS Improvement.


The framework is produced by the Workforce Alliance which consists of two public sector organisations: NHS Procurement in Partnership and Crown Commercial Service (CCS). Together we provide extensive expertise and experience to support customers using this framework.

Collectively we will help NHS trusts to improve efficiency, save money and find effective staffing solutions. Workforce Alliance will explore the whole Health Workforce services portfolio to and support future recruitment strategies in the NHS and the public sector.

This framework has been approved by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHS E/I).

You can source all clinical staff at varying pay bands through this NHS Improvement approved agreement. This agreement will help you recruit:

  • doctors, consultants and all specialist roles
  • all nursing grades including midwives and social workers
  • allied health professionals
  • health science services
  • emergency services including dentists

There is provision for unsocial hours, high-cost area supplements and agency worker regulations.

You may specify an appropriate preferred method of service delivery including, but not limited to:​

  • traditional agency route such as having a preferred suppliers list in place with one or more suppliers​
  • master vendor route​
  • neutral vendor provider


  • provides the NHS with this compliant route to sourcing temporary staff.​
  • free to access by all NHS contracting authorities and any public sector contracting body in the UK​
  • offers flexibility to incorporate service elements that meet your individual local and regional requirements​
  • North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC), London Procurement Partnership (LPP), East of England Collaborative Procurement Hub (EOECPH), NHS Commercial Solutions (NHSCS) and CCS.
  • suppliers are actively managed and audited on a regular basis to ensure full compliance with NHS employment check standards — additional audits can also be requested when needed
  • offers customers the option to access master vendor and/or neutral vendor services.
  • you can use one supplier for booking, invoicing, reporting and approvals
  • consolidated invoicing
  • a range of suppliers from small regional businesses to national organisations

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 387 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Nursing & Midwifery Staffing


283 suppliers

Lot 2: Medical & Dentistry Staffing


109 suppliers

Lot 3: Allied Health Professionals & Health Science Services Staffing


124 suppliers

Lot 4: Emergency Services Staffing


40 suppliers

Lot 5: Social Care Staffing


232 suppliers

Lot 6: Neutral Vendor Services


66 suppliers

How to buy

The framework can be accessed by both further competition, and direct award.   

Further Competition 

To award a call-off contract under the framework through a further competition you should:  

  • develop a statement of requirements identifying the framework suppliers capable of providing the services through a process of shortlisting  
  • amend or refine the template order form and call off and joint schedules to reflect the services you need — include these in the invitation to tender pack, along with the award criteria and further competition process  
  • invite tenders by conducting a further competition in accordance with the regulations and your own process 

For more detailed information on running a further competition, please refer to Framework Schedule 7 – Call Off Procedure. 

All customers may run their further competition using our e-Tendering System, or any that they believe is suitable. We are able to provide support in using our eTendering System. 

Direct award  

To direct award under the framework without holding a further competition you should:  

  • develop a statement of requirements and determine whether this can be met by the supplier(s) 
  • determine that all of the terms of the framework and the call-off terms do not require amendment or any supplementary terms and conditions 
  • award using the short form call-off contract with the successful framework supplier