Research & Insights

All public sector organisations can access social, economic and market research and behavioural insights services for projects of all sizes and values.


This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) provides you with services that will allow you to:

  • build knowledge and learning in the specific areas relevant to your organisation
  • inform the actions that you might want to take next, gather evidence and contribute to developing knowledge in a particular field of study
  • understand your audience, understand issues and increase public awareness
  • create informed policies and public service design based on research evidence
  • use a range of applied behavioural insights services
  • access media monitoring, analysis, evaluation and associated services

Research and Insights helps you to find relevant suppliers through a filtering system. You can use the filters to select the specific areas of work you are interested in. This will show you a range of suppliers in a shortlist that are capable of meeting your needs. The top four filter areas are:

  • subject area
  • research methods
  • participant groups
  • location

A full list of services available can be viewed in the scope overview document.

Suppliers can apply to join this DPS at any time throughout the life of the agreement.

The initial period for this agreement is four years, with the option to extend for two years. After that, if the agreement is still fit for purpose, then we will extend the agreement for a further two years.

This will continue as long as the agreement is suitable for customer needs and is the right route for this market.


  • the right suppliers hear about relevant opportunities at the right time
  • suppliers can apply and register their interest to join this DPS at any time
  • filters covering subject area, research method, target participants and location, gives you flexibility based on your needs
  • quality and price can be assessed based on your individual needs enabling value for money through tailored competitions
  • provides a structured and consistent approach to commissioning research with the option of using a two-stage competition process
    • this can include an optional face-to-face presentation stage as well as written quality stage

Products and suppliers

Please read the 'How to buy' tab below for detailed instructions on how to find out which suppliers are on this agreement.

Lot 1: Research & Insights


How to buy

Make sure you have received the necessary budget approval before using this agreement. You should also read the customer guide.

To complete the call-off process you should:

  1. register or sign in as a buyer on the Dynamic Purchasing System webpage
    1. although the webpages are headed ‘supplier registration,’ this is also where you can register as a buyer
  2. navigate to the Research and Insights DPS page by:
    1. choosing the ‘access as a buyer’ option under the heading ‘Marketing Communications and Research’
    2. confirming your acceptance of the customer access agreement
      1. you will need to agree to the terms of use every time you sign in
  3. on your ‘Manage your DPS Category Exports’ page you now have 2 options, these are:
    1. view appointed suppliers
    2. click on the ‘create a new category export’ link to create a new category export
  4. when creating a new category (supplier shortlist) use the filtering tool and select all the filters that apply to your need, this will create your shortlist of capable suppliers
  5. when you have selected your filters, click the ‘filter’ button to create your shortlist
  6. save your filtered list by clicking the ‘Save Category’ button and give the shortlist a unique name specific to your competition
  7. from the “Manage your Category Exports” page, export the list of suppliers and contact details into an Excel spreadsheet
  8. you can now close the DPS webpage
  9. use your list of capable suppliers to run your further competition
  10. invite the suppliers identified in your shortlist to bid against your detailed specification, evaluation criteria and contract terms and conditions
    1. note: the shortlist is only valid for two working days from the date of its creation because new suppliers may apply to join at any point
    2. if your competition excludes eligible suppliers, it potentially breaks procurement regulations
    3. if you do not use your shortlist within 2 working days, you will need to create a new shortlist (repeat steps 4 to 8)
  11.  to run a call off competition, you can you can use your organisation’s own procurement tool or you can use CCS’s eSourcing tool
  12. your competition process should be proportionate to the value and complexity of your needs and suppliers will need a reasonable amount of time to review and prepare a response 
    1. this includes allowing enough time for suppliers to ask clarification questions and consider your answers before the deadline for written responses
    2.  ideally you should allow at least 10 days for supplier responses, or longer for more complex needs
  13. evaluate all responses
  14. ask winning suppliers for any needed evidence to show that they can meet your needs
    1. you should set a deadline of at least 2 days for suppliers to submit their evidence, or longer for more complex needs
  15. if you’re satisfied with the evidence, award the contract
  16. where appropriate, notify of the award on Contracts Finder and complete this Google Form to inform CCS of your award details.

More detailed guidance is available in our customer guidance document and in our Customer journey video
