Logistics and Warehousing

A full range of logistics and warehousing solutions, and services, including collection, receipt, warehousing and storage, management, processing and onward distribution.


This innovative framework agreement is the first ever logistics and warehousing commercial agreement available in the marketplace created specifically for central government and wider public sector organisations. The eight lots reflect the services and solutions offered by the logistics, storage and warehousing industry and are tailored to meet the specific needs of all public sector buyers.

This agreement is flexible enough to enable you to access a full suite of services and solutions to support your logistics and storage needs.

Please get in touch with us if you want to discuss a solution or service. Our services include:

  • end-to-end, multimodal transport solutions
  • a thorough suite of storage options for a huge range of commodities
  • specialist healthcare solutions
  • waste logistics with scope for hazardous and high-risk materials
  • office, work space, laboratory removals and relocation services
  • construction logistics ranging from simple commodity delivery through to fully managed lay-down and site management
  • transportation and storage of vehicles and machinery including specialist loads, vehicle detention and parts storage
  • customs clearance, ground handling, fright forwarding, solution design, project management, logistics consultancy and full Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) services

If you have used this agreement, complete our agreement feedback form.


  • there is flexibility built into the agreement to allow customers to state their requirements, as long as they fall within the scope of the lot titles
  • uses the new Public Sector Contract – the shorter and simpler standard template for framework contracts for common goods and services
  • the agreement will be in place for a 4-year term, however, customer call-off agreements can be up to 7 years depending on the complexity of the requirements

Carbon Reduction

All suppliers for this agreement have committed to comply with the Procurement Policy Note 06/21: 'Taking account of Carbon Reduction Plans in the procurement of major government contracts' as required. If a supplier is required to publish a carbon reduction plan, you can find it on their individual supplier details page.

Products and suppliers

There are 22 suppliers on this agreement

Lot 1: Logistics - Transport
Secure collection, transportation and delivery using road transportation through the provision of lorries, vans, motorcycles, bicycles and other appropriate means of transportation


9 suppliers

Lot 2: Logistics - Warehousing and Storage Lot expires before framework:
Internal storage, external storage and warehousing. Managed operations and facilities at the buyer's premises is available.

15 suppliers

Lot 3: Waste Logistics, Recycling, Disposal and Destruction
Secure collection, transportation and delivery of waste and waste related services, such as collection of waste material from origin (wholesaler, manufacturer, storage, field operations, laboratory) and delivery to point of storage or processor.


2 suppliers

Lot 4: Removals and Relocations
Removal, relocation and related services through the deployment of fit for purpose vehicles, such as lorries, vans and any other appropriate means of transportation.


6 suppliers

Lot 5: Vehicle, Plant and Industrial Equipment – Transportation and Storage
Transportation and storage of vehicles (including aviation, maritime, military), plant and industrial equipment.


2 suppliers

Lot 6: Construction Logistics – Transportation and Storage
Transportation, storage and management of construction material and related services, such as secure storage capacity at supplier premises including temporary ‘Lay Down’ facilities.


2 suppliers

Lot 7: Healthcare Logistics - Transportation and Storage Lot expires before framework:
Transportation, storage and management of pharmaceuticals, blood, tissue, biological samples, healthcare materials, medical equipment and other healthcare-related services.

5 suppliers

Lot 8: Logistics and Warehousing Solutions, Design and Support Services Lot expires before framework:
Logistics and warehousing design and support services including supply chain integration, optimisation and resource management.

9 suppliers

How to buy

Buyers have the ability to direct award or undertake a further competition. Check your organisation’s internal policies and controls processes before engaging with suppliers to make sure you are following your standard operating procedures.

For more information on further competitions and direct awards, we recommend that you read the customer guidance document in the documents tab below before using this agreement.

Further competition

In the majority of cases you will need to run a further competition for your requirements to ensure best value for money. If you want to allow suppliers to develop proposals or a solution in respect of your requirement; and/or you need to amend or refine the terms of the call-off contract to reflect your requirements (to the extent permitted by and in accordance with the procurement regulations), you will need to undertake a further competition.

To award a call-off contract under the framework through a further competition you should:

  1. Develop a statement of requirements identifying the framework suppliers capable of providing the goods and/or services.
  2. Amend or refine the template call-off form and call-off terms to reflect the goods and/or services required.
  3. Develop evaluation criteria and scoring methodology.
  4. Publish invitation to tender pack, along with award criteria and further competition process.
  5. Invite all capable suppliers under a Lot to tender by conducting further competition in accordance with the regulations.
  6. Evaluate tenders, score and provide feedback to bidders.
  7. Sign the call-off form with the successful supplier including any supplementary terms or schedules that you identified in the tender.

Direct award

Suitable if there is only one supplier that meets your requirements, or you can clearly establish which supplier meets your requirements based on quality and price. You cannot use any supplementary terms and conditions with the agreement and you must accept the maximum framework rates if you choose this option.

To direct award under the framework without holding a further competition you should:

  1. develop a statement of requirements and determine whether this can be met by the mandatory/core goods and/or services of the framework.
  2. confirm that all the terms of the framework and the call-off terms do not require amendment or any supplementary terms and conditions.
  3. review the price schedule for all capable suppliers under the Lot to determine the most economically advantageous solution.
  4. award to the successful framework supplier and sign the completed call-off form.

If you have used this agreement, complete our agreement feedback form.