Important Expired agreement - This information is for reference only

Office Supplies

Purchase office equipment and supplies such as stationery, paper, fax machines, ink and printer toner cartridges, janitorial products and ergonomic equipment. 


25/01/2024: Thank you to our stakeholders for your continued support over the last four years for Office Supplies (RM6059) and for your input into the next generation Office Solutions Framework Agreement (RM6299).

We would like to update you on the current position of the existing Framework Agreement Office Supplies (RM6059) and the current procurement for Office Solutions (RM6299).

Office Supplies (RM6059): This agreement will expire on 05/04/2024.  From this date, you will no longer be able to place any call-off contracts.

If you have any extension periods within your existing call-off contract, you may wish to speak to your incumbent supplier and utilise the extension period but this will be your own commercial decision to do this.

You can still award a call-off contract under this agreement, up to and including  04/04/2024.  Again this will be your own commercial decision to do this.

Office Solutions (RM6299): The new framework agreement is expected to go live on 16/04/2024.  As soon as this agreement is live, you will be able to place your new call-off contracts using either the direct award procedure or by running a further competition.

Due to a pause in the tender process, CCS recognises that there will be a slight gap between the expiry of the current agreement and the award date of the new agreement and we wanted to make you aware of this.

We will update you if this date changes in any way.

Once again, thank you for your continued support of the new iteration of the Office Solutions (RM6299) and we look forward to working with you in the future.

07/09/2023: In line with the terms and conditions of the agreement, we have agreed pricing changes for XMA for lot 2 and lot 3 Electronic Office Supplies (EOS ) products  only, from 7 October 2023. You can request the new price schedule from our customer service team.

31/03/2023: In line with the terms and conditions of the agreement, we have agreed pricing changes for lot 2 suppliers from 7 April 2023. You can request the new price schedule from our customer service team.

02/03/2023: We have agreed price changes for lot 1 paper and electronic office suppliers from 8 March 2023. You can request the new price schedule from our customer service team.

01/02/23: a number of suppliers have asked for the pricing of lots 1 and 2 to be reviewed for March and April.

As soon as this has been through our internal governance process we will update you on the outcome.

Until a decision is made all pricing will stay the same.

17/11/22: We are holding an office supplies category engagement event for customers on 17 November 2022 from 10 to 11:30 am. Register for the webinar on Eventbrite

13/10/22: we are holding an office supplies category engagement event for customers on 13 October 2022 from 2 to 3:30pm. Register for the webinar on Eventbrite

07/10/22: We have agreed a 6 month review for pricing changes for lot 2 for paper and electronic office supplies. Request the new price schedule from our customer service team.

08/09/22: We have agreed annual pricing changes for lot 1 supplies. Request the new price schedule from our customer service team

13/04/2022: We will be holding an office supplies category engagement event for customers on 19 May 2022 from 2pm to 3:30pm.

This is a virtual event and we will send joining instructions to those who have registered. 

The deadline for registrations is at 5pm on Monday 16 May 2022.

Register for the webinar on Eventbrite.

30/03/2022: In line with the terms and conditions of the agreement, we have agreed pricing changes for lot 1 paper and electronic office supplies.

You can request the new price schedule from our customer service team

30/03/2022: In line with the terms and conditions of the agreement, we have agreed pricing changes for lot 2.

You can request the new price schedule from our customer service team from 6 April 2022.

01/03/2022: In line with the terms and conditions of the agreement, a number of suppliers have asked for the pricing of lots 1 and 2 to be reviewed for March and April.

As soon as this has been through our internal governance process we will update you on the outcome.

Until a decision is made all pricing will stay the same.

02/12/2021: OT Group Limited have been novated to lot 2 of this agreement.

This means OT Group Limited will now replace Office Depot UK Limited, the supplier originally awarded to the agreement in April 2020.

Customers can ask for OT Group Limited pricing by emailing the customer service team.